Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Journey North Test Garden

CLS Students are tacking the arrival of spring in Little Rock by planting a tulip test garden. The primary students have planted a tulip test garden as part of the international science project called Journey North. We have connected with hundreds of other school in the Northern Hemisphere for this experiment. Red Emperor tulip bulbs were planted Nov. 30, 2012 in the school garden. Students will be observing the garden through the winter months and will report the arrival of spring by the sprouting of the bulbs. You can watch springs journey north by going to this website:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fun Field Trip

In October the Third Grade class went on a field trip to the Historic Arkansas Museum. We had a great time learning about the history of our community.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Today Nurse Barker talked to us about germs. She told us how important it is to be aware of how we spread germs so we can all work together to keep our class healthy.

We learned that we should use a tissue when blowing our nose, wash our hands often and to sneeze or cough into our sleeve to keep our germs from spreading around our room. We don't want the cold and flu germs to win!