Our class finished reading Because of Winn Dixie. What a great book! To celebrate we had a Winn Dixie picnic and watched the movie of the book. It is always interesting to see what changes are make in the plot and in charters between a book and the movie.
Just like in the book we had egg salad sandwiches, pickles and dump punch. It was great fun!
Hoot Hoot here is what's happening in third grade this week:
Religion: The second unit in religion is the Holy Spirit Blesses the Church; this week we learn about the Holy Spirit.
English: Predicates and compound sentences, unit 1 review
Writing: Flat Stanley writing
Reading: This week we have a literacy circle. We will all be reading Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. There are many fun activities that go with this book.
Spelling: Review test of words from the past 5 weeks. Spelling tests are every Friday. We will have 20 review words.
Social Studies: Types of communities
Science: The Sun and Moon and the Seasons
What we are Reading
We finished the book Because of Winn Dixie. Friday we had a Winn Dixie party and watched the movie to celebrate. We discussed how the movie characters and the plot were the same and different from the book.
Our read aloud book for this month will be a fantasy; Charlotte’s Web.
Our memory for this week:
Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38
The First Commandment and meaning;
You shall have no other gods. What does this mean?
We should fear, love and trust in God above all things.